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Yuyan Song

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"Collective memory is extremely important to society and culture, and collective memory is not simply an aggregation of individual memories, but constitutes a key element in the maintenance of social structure and culture." Collective memory tampering is an unconscious act, influenced to some extent by society rather than the result of individual effort. To some extent, it can cause cognitive confusion and identity crisis, generate cultural faults and historical controversies, and trigger social division and group conflicts, thus profoundly affecting human's perception of the past as well as the development of the future.

If collective memory can be easily altered, how can we prove that the memories we have now have not been tampered with? This project intends to challenge the human perception of truth and falsehood at the level of memory through a short experimental film to stand in a future point in time and see today as the past.

MemoryCultural IdentityCollectiveHumanity

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Curating Contemporary Art (MA)