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Nandal (Yunjeong) Seo

Photo of Nandal with a bouquet of flowers, staring at the camera.

Visual communicator interested in storytelling, food, drinks and fun stuff.

I chose Graphic Design as my first visual language and expanded my area of communication, and worked in the area of photography, moving images, marketing, art directing, and filmmaking.

After all these experiences, I am now polishing my acquired visual languages in the Royal College of Art, Visual Communication MA, experimenting food-related art works and workshops. Eating and drinking is an essential action that exists everywhere humans exist, and at the same time, it also reflects the society's culture, values, climate, and philosophy. My fears about new places or cultures have been replaced by the expectations of an eye-opening experience in food and drink. I would love to work to provide space, time, and opportunity to share the joyful narrative behind eating and drinking and also to communicate about all the different values we cherish.

FoodPhotographyFilmMoving imageNarrativeCultural Identity

Degree Details

School of Communication

Visual Communication (MA)