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Wenjie Zheng

Zheng Wenjie's personal photo

My name is Zheng Wenjie, and I am a member of the Caring 15 group, an "art therapy" group. Our team is committed to exploring and practicing the concept of art therapy, which aims to provide a welcoming and safe space for people to heal their inner wounds through the power of art. In our workshops, we don't just impart skills and knowledge; we explore and experience them together with our participants, supporting each other and growing together. One of my responsibilities is to be in charge of building our website with Julia, which is not only a platform for information but also a window to share our ideas and achievements with the world. I will also do my best to ensure that the design of the website reflects the spirit and philosophy of our group and brings warmth and hope to as many people as possible.

Degree Details

School of Design

Design Products (MA)

Design Through Making