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Wei Lu

In this project, we think about the possibility of storing data in the skin in the future and the impact of doing so.

Research Direction:

  • Explored future scenarios based on advancements in current information storage technologies.

  • Innovation in Storage:
  • Envisioned a world where human skin acts as a new medium for data retention, moving towards miniaturization and efficiency.
  • Technological Backbone:
  • Based on advanced technologies like Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs), integrating tech with natural biology.
  • Wearable Storage Demand:
  • Addressed the growing need for wearable storage solutions in the era of increasingly popular wearable devices and BCIs.
  • Project Goal:
  • Aim to uncover the multifaceted consequences of merging technology with biology, providing a comprehensive understanding of speculative future scenarios.


Degree Details

School of Design

Design Products (MA)