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Tianyue Chai

To explore how Internet slang changes and influences our individual and collective memories, we create an online Web

With the rapid development of social media and people's dependence on it, the process of social communication and network communication have gradually affected people's everyday language and slang language, too. Especially in Age Z, Internet slang has seeped more quickly into individual and collective memory. The rapid emergence of new slang words into everyday communication signals not only the evolution of language but also changes in how individual and collective memories are formed and shared.

Our most important task as practitioners is to drive innovation and communication. Through continuous thinking, exploration, and experimentation, novel, engaging, and inspiring works that stimulate people’s thinking and imagination while enriching their cultural lives are created. I hope that through the design, people will explore and understand the memory and cultural changes in the digital age.

service designDigitalThe Digital SystemFuture

Degree Details

School of Design

Service Design (MA)