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Shruti Dange

Profile picture

Hi! I’m an experience designer from south India. I work around themes of Climate Change, Marine Conservation, Craft Conservation and Caring for Future Communities. My work can be summed up as being pieces of ‘youth engagement for urgent matters’.

My design philosophy can be summed up in 2 words – Relevancy and Research. I don’t do anything without answering “WHY?”. I believe that our lives are already over-stimulated and we don’t actually need any more noise than is absolutely necessary. Often amazed by the human psychology, I aim to provide simplified, memorable, user-friendly narratives through engaging formats; including but not limited to Illustrations, UI/UX, Game Deisgn, AR, Graphic Design, Publication Design etc

Human-centricInformation designSocial impactServicesDigitalSpeculative

Degree Details

School of Communication