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Riya Panwar

An area delineated by a sculpture and tape. This space resembles a shrine, a meditative space, or even a sacred space.

Informed Disciples, comprised of five individuals, all artists and designers hailing from various corners of the Royal College of Art, joined forces for this module, setting out to delve into a collective exploration of a profound theme: Justice, Equality, and Misinformation. Our convergence was sparked by a shared vision, fueled by curiosity and a thirst for discovery. Under the guidance and mentorship of Nazli, we embarked on this journey together, seeking to critically analyze the intricate interplay between these concepts. Throughout this odyssey, Nazli not only served as our mentor but also as a catalyst for our personal and collective growth.

Within our collective journey, we confronted the daunting specter of misinformation, recognizing its potent threat to societal cohesion and our understanding of one another. This threat resonates deeply with the realm of religion and its nuanced comprehension. Our impetus for immersing ourselves in this discourse stemmed from a recognition of the dearth in understanding surrounding discussions on religious misinformation. We sought to unpack the complexities surrounding belief systems, faith, and the pervasive influence of power and politics in shaping global religious narratives—a narrative often at odds with individual faiths and values.

Team - Riya Panwar, Chelsea Tijerina, Jialu Hou, Ningyue Qian and Yuhan Fu


Degree Details

School of Communication

Visual Communication (MA)