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Ming Chao Liu

This is a picture of my hometown.

My design generally revolves around: finding people's neglected needs, improving the relationship between people and the environment, technology, and society, so that it is in a more natural and harmonious cycle, and using the method of co-creation to achieve different levels of inclusive product design.

At the moment I'm interested in helping special people live better lives from a psychological perspective. I want people to know more about special people, reduce their prejudice against them, and go into their hearts.

By studying at RCA, I can better improve critical design thinking, design with empathy and inclusiveness, pay more attention to the interaction of society, environment and technology, improve product system design in various fields through sustainable joint design practice, and strive to create a more harmonious and beautiful future.

Product DesignInclusive Design

Degree Details

School of Design

Design Products (MA)