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Mila Fernandez

Image by Mathilda Baxendale-Kirby

Mila Fernandez is a choreographer, dancer, performance artist and curator, working on projects between France and the UK. She is currently on the Contemporary Art Curating MA at the Royal College of Art. 

Graduating from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance in 2022, Mila trained in contemporary, ballet, choreology, choreography and screen-dance videography. For her graduation show entitled Between the Depth of Sensation and the Everyday (2022), she explored a one-year research into implicit and explicit body memory through a living installation connected across two rooms. During her studies, Mila performed at the French Institute of Barcelona (2021). 

Mila is the co-founder of The Grounding Project (recipient of the Trinity Laban Innovation Award in 2022), a multi-national dance collective, working within the environmental dance sector to share the stories of our planet and it’s people.

Her choreographic work explores emotional and physical relationships merging fictional and non-fictional storytelling in metaphorical scenarios. Mila’s practice incorporates improvisation as a tool to explore site specific performance. Her recent works include The Water Series with the Grounding Project at Staffordshire Gallery (2023) and Your Gaze, My Body at Millbank Center (2023).

As a contemporary curator, Mila is developing her practice that combines creative collaboration with multi-sensory practitioners, to generate curatorial decisions based on pre-existing movement memory of the human body. Exploring how multi-disciplinary sensorial activation can impact her audience. As a curator, she explores set design, programming live events and generating conceptual approaches to navigate spacial design. 

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Curating Contemporary Art (MA)