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Lujane Vaqar Pagganwala

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Lujane Pagganwala, Pakistani, b.1997 lives and works in Karachi

Lujane Vaqar Pagganwala is a multidisciplinary artist, currently undergoing her MA in Contemporary Art Practice at the Royal College of Art. Pagganwala’s practice is an investigation on the phenomenology of space, as an idea and as a physical entity. She takes inspiration from childhood spaces as well as her city; Karachi’s architectural infrastructure, to create an amalgamation of hybrid realities. These spaces are playful, interactive and confrontational. Pagganwala explores concepts of Liminality, Latency, Hauntology and (Non)structuralism, to imbue the ‘fourth space’ through her on-going research and practice.

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Contemporary Art Practice (MA)