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Yinglin Zhu


In Across RCA's "Justice, Equality, and Misinformation" theme, my team and I explored the inequalities and objectification hidden in the everyday interactions between humans and their pet dogs.

Our interdisciplinary journey led us to examine the domestication process, its inherent differences, and the anthropocentric perspectives that shape the human-pet relationship.

We imagined a thought-provoking future in which pet dogs could be customized based on human preferences, using this hypothetical service to highlight and critique inner inequalities and objectification. In the creative process, we used X-ray photography to place dogs with objects representing their different roles in human life, challenging anthropocentric views and promoting a more equitable coexistence.

The project provides insight into the relationship between humans and dogs and we hope to provoke a broader discussion about social justice and equality. It emphasizes the need to rethink our relationship with all living things and to work towards a more inclusive and just world.

Degree Details

School of Design

Service Design (MA)