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Lemeng Chang

the Hush Collective* is interested in speech and what happens to its subtleties, metaphors and purpose under duress.

Our project, "The Hush, The Code, The Sound," emerged from a collective curiosity and a rigorous examination of societal narratives, especially those that marginalize and silence. Through this endeavor, we sought to illuminate stories overshadowed by colonialism, illegitimate power structures, and gender- based violence. This initiative transcended academic boundaries, representing a passionate commitment to uncovering the hidden truths within history and contemporary society. By critically engaging with global and local concerns, our project dissected the intricacies of power, silence, and resistance, utilizing a comprehensive approach that intertwined cultural narratives with artistic expression. At our project's core was an earnest curiosity about the societal mechanisms that silence dissenting voices and enforce dominant narratives. Our exploration, rooted in a critical stance against colonial, illegitimate, and misogynistic violence, aimed to uncover and spotlight narratives systematically relegated to oblivion. Informed by a spectrum of norms and narratives—from the overt to the covert, the forgotten to the reclaimed—we challenged the status quo, delving into the constructs of power, silence, and acts of resistance. 

Degree Details

School of Communication

Visual Communication (MA)