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Lan Luo

Lan takes a photo with the sculpture

Hi,I'm Lan Luo.I work on the rights of non-human beings. I believe that design is not just for human needs and appreciation, but should also take into account the rights and well-being of other life forms.

As an interior design student, I am always pursuing innovation and practicality. I understand the importance of indoor environments to human life, so I strive to find design solutions that make people feel comfortable, safe and happy in spaces. However, while pursuing these goals, I am always concerned about the rights of other living things. The space we design should not just be a human territory, but should be a common home for all kinds of life.

Therefore, I expanded my research into the realm of nonhuman rights. I am concerned about the welfare of animals, especially those that we come into contact with on a daily basis, such as pets and livestock. I think we should provide them with a comfortable, safe and dignified living environment, rather than just treating them as our accessories or tools.

My research also involves the protection and respect of the natural environment. I believe our designs should coexist in harmony with nature rather than destroying and exploiting it. Therefore, I am committed to finding sustainable design solutions that reduce negative impacts on the environment and maximize the integrity of natural ecosystems.


Degree Details

School of Architecture

Interior Design (MA)