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Khushi Vishnoi

Hi! My name is Khushi Vishnoi. My name means Happiness, which is what I want to bring to people's lives through my designs.

I am Khushi Vishnoi, a Product Designer who understands her user's emotions and needs.

I believe in making products simple, practical, functional, and manufacturable.

I completed my Bachelor's in Industrial Design from Nirma University in Ahmedabad, but I became an industrial designer because of genetics. My mom’s an Interior Designer and dad’s an Industrialist. I’ve always been surrounded by creativity and innovation, which naturally led me to where I am today. While my roots are in industrial design, I’ve grown passionate about Product Design because I want the freedom to design everything!

When I’m not designing, you can find me behind my camera lens, exploring the world on solo travels, diving into new and thrilling adventure sports, or very recently, even creating video content.

For my Master's project, I am developing an immersive mixed-reality Shipment Tracking Platform. This project addresses the critical need for transparency and visibility in the maritime industry. By offering real-time tracking and comprehensive insights into shipping activities, the platform aims to enhance public understanding of the maritime sector and the marine ecosystem. This increased visibility is intended to foster greater public awareness and advocacy for economically and environmentally sustainable practices within the industry.

Product DesignerIndustrial DesignerImaginationMixed RealityEmotional DesignMaritimeImmersive

Degree Details

School of Design

Design Products (MA)

Object Mediated Interactions