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Kaori Miyachi Sogabe

Attempt To Go Against The Arrow Of Time

The navy wool rider's jacket, a gift from my mother, led me on a journey of colour exploration. It began abruptly one ordinary day in my thirties when I asked my family about the colour coordination of my outfit, I was taught that the jacket which to my eyes seemed navy, was actually black, and by the majority vote I was convinced. This is how I discovered that I have minor colour deficiency. Then I understood my hesitation to work with colours with my own practice. It didn’t take too long for me to decide that I want to reinterpret colour, and try to express colours in different ways, that means without using glaze, paint, dye nor stain but only by its data. The underlying motivation for my actions stems from a desire for reassurance regarding my unique perception of colours. To attain this sense of assurance, I prioritise consistency in the material used, hence my faith in data—unchangeable and reliable in its numerical form......

Kaori create 3D objects, the main mediums are clay & paper mache.

Light = ColourTimeClay + Water

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Ceramics and Glass (MA)