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Kay Huang

Name: Kaiyi Huang 
Programme: Photography (MA)

My recent work revolves around sea levels, focusing on climate issues, particularly the rising sea levels caused by global warming. My initial concern with sea levels stems from being born in a coastal city where, as I grew up, the water quality deteriorated. The inspiration for my recent work comes from my photography and research in Margate. After delving deeper into research on climate change, I hope to raise awareness through my media expressions that it's not just the oceans in one place suffering damage or rising due to glacier melt, but sea levels are gradually rising everywhere. At the same time, while contemplating the relationship between nature and humanity, I use the printing method of risograph to express a power that preserves essence without taking away vitality.

Climate CrisisClimate ChangeclimatePhotographyprintFine Artrisograph

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Photography (MA)