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Kaixiang Zhou


As a core member of the project planning, preliminary research and installation construction, I have deeply experienced the importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in addressing contemporary global and local environmental issues. This process not only challenged my personal skills and creativity, but more importantly, it prompted me to reflect deeply on the roles and responsibilities of creative workers in society.

During the preliminary research phase of the project, our team delved into the fields of thermodynamics, ecological niche theory, and biopolitics, in an attempt to explore the interaction between life phenomena and the environment through the sound of seeds and their visual trajectories, and Filips Staņislavskis's Human-Cloud Project provided us with a unique opportunity to explore the role and responsibilities of creative practitioners in society. Staņislavskis' "Human-Cloud Project" has had a profound impact on our work, not only by broadening our cognitive horizons, but also, and more importantly, by stimulating deeper reflection on the relationship between human beings and nature (Staņislavskis, Filips. Human-Cloud Project . 2021).

Through this collaboration, I gained a deep understanding of how creative practitioners should use their professional skills and artistic expression to promote public environmental awareness and ecological action in the face of complex and challenging environmental issues in contemporary society. In the course of our practice, we encountered a number of technical challenges, especially in the assembly of the installation and the realisation of the temperature difference generator system. These challenges not only tested our knowledge base and problem-solving abilities, but more importantly, it prompted us to learn and master new ways of expression, so as to transform complex scientific principles into artworks that are easily understood by the audience.

In addition, my background in graphic design was put to a whole new use in this project. Whereas in the past I mainly created artworks through books and posters, this project gave me the opportunity to learn how to create sound installations and apply multimedia techniques. Not only did this greatly broaden my scope of artistic expression, but it also made me realise that as creative practitioners, it is our responsibility to put our professional skills to use in solving social problems, especially on the pressing global issue of environmental protection (Niche Theory in Ecology. 2020; Biopolitics and Nature. 2019).

The mid-practice and post-production phases of the project were even more insightful in terms of the importance of collaborative thinking, research and creative processes. By working closely with our team members, we not only overcame all the difficulties to realise this interdisciplinary art project, but also conveyed to the public a profound message about ecological symbiosis, energy transformation and the power of life through our work.

Overall, participating in the "Echoes of Ecology - Whispering Seeds" project has been a very valuable experience. It has not only contributed to my personal growth, but more importantly, it has made me reflect deeply on my value and social responsibility as a creative worker in contemporary society. We should not only confine ourselves to artistic creation itself, but also think about how our works can have a positive impact on society, especially in terms of

promoting environmental protection and sustainable development. Through art and creative thinking, we have the ability and responsibility to contribute our part in solving the environmental problems we face globally and locally.

Degree Details

School of Communication

Visual Communication (MA)