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Jiyeong Kim

Jiyeong Kim

Hi! I’m Jiyeong Kim, a Master’s student in Architecture. My drive is to merge artistic vision with technological innovation to craft groundbreaking design solutions. I'm passionate about transforming concepts into visual presentations, especially through adept 3D modeling and rendering, which enables the rapid and vivid expression of new ideas.

My work experience spans various design dimensions, including building conceptualization and graphic design. I’ve grown particularly skilled in employing a range of software to uniquely articulate design concepts, with a strong suite in Rhino, Epic games, Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro.

At the core of my approach is a commitment to understanding the dynamics of spaces and how they’re experienced by people. This perspective guides me to devise designs that resonate with company ethos and community needs alike. My personal pursuits, like travel and analog film photography, enrich my architectural insights, while being an avid tennis player keeps me energized and focused.

Currently, I’m keen on exploring how the interplay between technology and creativity can be leveraged to enhance our environments. My ambition is to contribute innovative and impactful design solutions that address the challenges and opportunities of our times.

Architecture And SpaceTechnologyCircular designVirtualityFine ArtPhotography

Degree Details

School of Architecture

Architecture (MA)