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Xena Xu

A selfie of me taken by my friend who is studying fashion.

Hello, I'm Xena Xu, a dedicated service designer driven by the transformative essence of human-centered design. My commitment lies in crafting holistic experiences that seamlessly blend aesthetics, functionality, strategy, and empathy. Drawing from my background in service design and communication design, I offer a unique perspective focused on understanding user needs and behaviors beyond superficial visuals.

I am deeply passionate about collaboration, finding inspiration in diverse perspectives that enrich my concepts and foster comprehensive understanding. I firmly believe that a strong foundation is essential for innovation to flourish. Through collaborative efforts and innovative thinking, I aim to develop solutions that not only meet user needs, but also inspire positive change and leave a lasting impact. With a keen eye for unravelling complex systems and empathetically navigating user journeys, I endeavor to unlock new possibilities and shape a more inclusive and meaningful future for all.

service designHumansConnectionsExperienceCollaborationSystemDigital

Degree Details

School of Design

Service Design (MA)