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Jeffrey Colin

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Neo-Degenerate Multidisciplinary Innovatory Artist | Temporal Anomaly | Damaged Military Veteran

I am a 63-year-old, disabled veteran (PTSD) of the United States Air Force and the Intelligence Community. I am "all-in" on all manner of creative expression, and find myself drawn to integrating as many different types of processes and media into my work as possible. This requires a constant expansion of skills, and constant research, but that is a huge part of the joy of being an artist for me.

My creative focus is on the philosophy and psychology of three concepts that are key to human existence: Fear, Compassion, and Desire. My work explores how those concepts are at the heart of all human activity and ideation. I avoid the heavily traveled path of "artist as activist," and instead focus on the concept of being a narrator/storyteller. While my work may occasionally touch on political and social themes, I do not have any sociopolitical agenda inherent in my work.

While many artists confine themselves to being either "Conceptual Artists" or "Traditional Artists," I find little use for limiting my art practice. Whatever the scope of the project calls for is the direction I advance towards. There isn't any form of creative expression that I consider outside the realm of possibility, and I constantly work to keep adding traditional techniques and current technologies to my artistic toolkit. I tend to favor mixed media sculptural and multimedia creative projects, but I am open to working on any project that fits with my interests at the moment.

I also have an interest in arts education, but not in any formal setting. Thus, I'm working to develop educational and curatorial projects that highlight creative professionals from all phases of career development, from the earliest point of emergence to well-established, world-class creatives. I want to deepen public appreciation for the arts, and expand global understanding of just how important the arts are to humanity.

*And yes, I am writing in first-person because I'm from the Barrios east of Los Angeles, California, not the prep schools of the northeast.

ArtistEducatorMixed MediaMultidisciplinary

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Ceramics and Glass (MA)