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Jack Gwyer


Jack Gwyer (b. 1996) works primarily with oil and wax on canvas. Gwyer’s practice reimagines the visual motifs of our material future, referencing themes of desire and societal pressure through the manipulation of texture and displacement of form. He has shown work across the UK since graduating from Goldsmiths in 2018.

Gwyer's work frequently delves into the transitive and unstable elements of modernity. In his recent work, the layering of paint mirrors the ebb and flow of advanced commercial systems, where frameworks shift to avoid obsolescence, and language grows to emphasise the profitable while obscuring the unsustainable.

Each painting aims to gradually reshape the aesthetic palette of our material future away from its prosaic associations and towards new possibilities. In the formation of the final surface, figuration and abstraction appear and fade, with each added layer amplifying the oscillation between the familiar and the foreign, each new hue muddies the waters between commerce's memories, dreams, and desires.

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Painting (MA)