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In Hye Song

Project: Captured Scenes: Episode1 - 15, documents and illustrates Ine's perspectives on the beauty of nature.

In Hye (Ine) is a London-Seoul based visual artist.

She graduated with First Class Honours in Illustration and Visual Media from UAL: London College of Communication and furthered her studies at the Royal College of Art to delve deeper into her visual language as a communicator. 

Her primary focus in visual communication explores the intricate connection between individuals and urban environments, with a specific emphasis on areas where people deeply integrate with their green surroundings, characterised by feelings of affection and emotion.

Her methodology of communication encompasses various artistic mixed mediums including drawing, publishing, object making, photography, 2D animation, installation, painting, and printmaking. Ine's ultimate goal has always been to share her art as a message, delivering the gift of nature to people.


Degree Details

School of Communication

Visual Communication (MA)

Aging Society and Lonely Death

A communication kiosk system; MOIM, facilitates elderly individuals' access to public spaces, enabling them to engage in various activities.

Caring SocietyMental HealthSocial CareWellbeing