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Iain Mclellan Bastidas

Iain Christopher McLellan Bastidas

Iain McLellan Bastidas is a multi-disciplinary Scottish & Colombian artist who works primarily with printmaking, photomontage, book arts and photography. Presently his work focuses on the human experience in the era of anthropogenic climate change, as well as the subconscious trauma that comes hand in hand environmental and societal degradation. Believing strongly in the democratisation of art and the mass dissemination of imagery.

Evil Gang Garden Radio is a satirical/anarchial pirate radio project that broadcasts collaged and abstracted writings about the English back garden. The value and importance of the back garden is something often overlooked and important, it is something that can conjure memories of the past. It can be a private, personal space filled with ephemera, or perhaps a manufactured space to form the illusion of privacy in the massively urbanised environment that makes up Greater London. It is important and valuable to look upon and understand our personal spaces, somewhere to invoke personal reflections, a space to enjoy. These concepts and principles are central key points in our project. There is always value in the benign, in a seemingly clouded, negative and imploding world we must have fun whilst creating something fun.

As individuals we are not all able to ignite colossal change in a matter of months with little to no funding. Despite its value, the formation of a mass societal shift is frankly not the only important concept extrapolating solutions within the boundaries of the climate crisis. It is imperative that we are able to embrace what personal links and spaces with nature we have. With half of the Earth’s population being surrounded by manufactured landscapes and there is a need to find escape and be in the moment.

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Print (MA)