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Hien Thanh Vu

A man stood idle, with only a single leaf to cover himself. He's in the middle of 2 palm trees, amongst rocks and sandy ground.

Hien specialises in Blender and Cinema 4D for character modelling, texturing, lighting, and rendering. Her body of work has gradually expanded over the years to cover a wide range of topics such as Artificial Intelligence, space travel, human connections, isolation and more recently comedy and capitalism. Hien's background in Fine Art has motivated her to create works in the realms of both moving-image exhibitions to more narrative style cinema.

At the Royal College of Art, ANDY (2024) was the first film project where she had the chance to explore humour in both a theoretical and practical sense.

Animated3DCinematicMoving imageHumorConnectionsImagination

Degree Details

School of Communication

Animation (MA)