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Emily Alice Mitchell

Picture of the artist.

Emily Alice Mitchell (b.2002) is a filmmaker and photographer born and based in London. She is currently studying MA in Contemporary Art Practice at the Royal College of Art, after graduating with a BA in Fine Art from LICA @ Lancaster University in 2023. Working with moving image, projection installation and sound, Mitchell’s practice explores mixedness, double consciousness and the in-betweens of British and Caribbean cultural identities. Navigating an absence resulting from histories of erasure, the artist looks to the Atlantic, archival practices and preservation to examine the impact of grief and transgenerational trauma. Opposing linear Western constructs of time and place, she questions how we might exist in limbo between these entities, adapting colonial archival methodology to preserve unfolding histories, relating to a personal and collective mixed British-Caribbean experience. 

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Contemporary Art Practice (MA)