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Emily Marzocchi

AcrossRCA Team Outcome Logo

RCA MA Interior Design Student, winner of the Interior Velocity 2020 with “Sense of Space” and the NEWH Scholarship Award 2021 with “Unique Forms of Continuity in Space”.

The personal contribution to the project came from the area of expertise in Interior Design, which served its purpose through a direct translation of problem identification & solving, backed up by research later on expanded by the expert in the field of Information Experience Design and Service Design. Furthermore, a strong suit fell on concept development & presentation and project management, backed up by a strong team development. The terminology and methodology of the different fields involved in the project allowed for a professionality all across the board, from concept development, user research, interviewing process & prototyping. However, the steeper personal growth curve was related with the forced teamwork, where the successful completion of the project depended entirely on the group consensus and expertise in the production of an effective interface (MA Service Design) and the ability of operating and producing an AR/MR experience (MA Product Design, MA Information Experience Design).

Degree Details

School of Architecture

Interior Design (MA)