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Demian Shipley-Marshall

A white doe woman with red robe and a golden and armored hand clawing at her chest.

I work with multiple methods across the fields of art and design but consider myself a storyteller at heart. Through my work, I endeavor to explore if older values toward the individual and environment can add new perspective to conflicts humanity is facing in the contemporary world. I am influenced by world folklore, particularly stories around animals. Originally these stories were how cultures began exploring their worlds both real and imagined. Many indigenous cultures attributed similar characteristics to certain animals, which illustrates a deep root that connects humans to each other and their histories. Because of this, I believe our first teachers can still help us navigate the turbulent waters of our future. Whatever form my work takes it has two guiding principles, my work must always affirm life and seek truth. I do not seek to demonize our modern world, and I try to avoid the biased lens people often view their history through. I want my audience to consider that when building a better tomorrow, is it about creating a new way of life, or remembering and old one?

Degree Details

School of Communication

Digital Direction (MA)