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Dani(Daeun) Kim

A display of my recent works and experiments.

Dani(Daeun) Kim is a ceramic artist based in London and Seoul. 

Dani explores the abyss depths of human emotions, finding artistic inspiration in acknowledging or overcoming these emotions. Recently, she has been emphasizing the role of meditation in coping with the burdens and overwhelming feelings of existence and has designed interactive ceramic sculptures aimed at aiding meditation. The entire process from wedging and stacking the clay coils to polishing and painting the surface becomes a moment of meditation. She concentrates on the tranquil emotions that clay and art bring to the human mind, with the purpose of conveying these feelings to others. Additionally, inspired by the idea that colours affect from visual pleasure to psychological comfort, she is currently designing sculptures focused on colour combination. 

While her artworks stem from her authentic experiences she has genuinely felt, Dani also dedicates herself to refining them to resonate with and move others. Images inspired by everyday moments that are natural yet not necessarily ordinary, she employs a harmonious interplay of color and light effects alongside organic forms in her sculptures.

Through her art, Dani prompts viewers to contemplate warm yet somehow profound sensibilities and thoughts. 

SculptureFine ArtInteractiveColourHealingMental HealthHumanity

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Ceramics and Glass (MA)