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Chenxi Li

Chenxi Li 10033372

Chenxi Li is an artist from China, currently studying in the field of service design. Her background lies in visual communication design, and she specializes in user experience design, user research, and graphic design. With a curious mind, she constantly explores different expressive mediums to enrich her artwork.

Her artistic style is diverse and exploratory. From abstract to realistic, from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, she enjoys challenging herself and experimenting with new techniques and mediums to present her creative ideas from various perspectives.

Her artworks often delve into the relationships between people and their environment, emotions, and identities. Through art, she aims to convey deep emotions and evoke resonance in the audience, encouraging reflection and feeling.

Service DesignVisual Communication Designpeople-oriented designFutureDigitalUX Design

Degree Details

School of Design

Service Design (MA)