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Anushka Khemka

The artist in a blue shirt with a camera strap worn around her neck. The background is a lush green park in the summertime.

Anushka is an interdisciplinary artist and designer with a background in product design and photography. Her recent practice of multi-sensory design has been about centring the potential of human experience and addressing the concern of limited sensory participation. In a world where ocularcentrism often makes way for modern alienation, she wants to deliberately use the audiovisual as a source of transcendence to creatively awaken the human sensors.

She is pursuing an MA in Digital Direction at the Royal College of Art, where she is particularly exploring how immersive technologies can help us better understand more-than-human perspectives.

Ethics (non-human)ImmersiveVirtualityAugmentedTechnologyStorytellingEcologySensory / SensorialSensesMoving image3DSpeculative Futures

Degree Details

School of Communication

Digital Direction (MA)