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Anshool Sahu

A silhouette of an artist stands before a lamp, casting long shadows that dance across the wall.

As a creative head in the expansive world of art, Anshool emerges as a transdisciplinary force. With a diverse skill set encompassing music composition, visual artwork, graphic design, sculpture, and fashion, Anshool navigates the realms of creativity with boundless passion and innovation. As a synesthete, they perceive the world through a rich tapestry of senses, infusing their creations with a depth of emotion and multi-sensory experience.

A dreamer at heart, Anshool finds inspiration under the vast expanse of the sky, continuously seeking to uncover new perspectives while acknowledging the timeless beauty that surrounds us. Their journey is one of boundless creativity and unfettered exploration, driven by a passion to fulfill the dreams they harbored as a child. With each endeavor, Anshool embraces the freedom of artistic expression, transforming visions into reality and enriching the world with their unique blend of talent and imagination.

FashionTransdiscplinaryDigitalApproach To AccessoriesArtifactsSculptureArtworksSoundFine ArtAbstractDreamsVision

Degree Details

School of Design

Fashion (MA)

Footwear, Accessories, Millinery, Eyewear