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Szewska is standing by her multi coloured light and sculpture installation made of clear block acrylic and coloured acetate.

Szewska is intrigued by the dialogue between print and expanded print. She seeks to capture the intricate layers of human connections and textures of everyday life. Her work explores the tangible and intangible elements that shape our relationships and make life worth living.

After 25 years as a Headteacher, with a passion for driving and promoting the arts in education, Szewska made the bold decision to stop and re-focus on developing her own art practice, something she had always dreamed of.

Alongside gaining a place to study MA Printmaking at the RCA, she was awarded the Vice Chancellor’s Scholarship for Achievement. This recognition emboldened Szewska to explore further with various printmaking techniques and the world of expanded print.

Through experimentation, combining print, sculpture, motion, light and shadow, Szewska’s work presents complex images requiring engagement and thought from the viewer. She finds inspiration from a life lived in tall buildings overlooking the London skyline, and is fascinated to observe how seemingly static, man-made structures, can change and become animated when interacting with the living, natural world that surrounds them.

Degree Details

School of Arts & Humanities

Print (MA)