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White Wave

This is an art therapy platform where users can create their own white noise.
Being DigitalCommunicationThe BodyTechnologies

This is an art therapy platform where you can create your own white noise. Find a scene you like to be in, wear comfortable accessories, and use a sound recording device. Our device will aid you in meditation and recording this comfortable moment. We help you record and create white noise that heals you. This app lets you explore what sounds soothe your mood based on your emotional settings. When you finish your daily routine and return home, place the device back and play your unique moment. We can assist you in revisiting that pleasant and precious healing moment. Not only can you create your own white noise, but the application can generate a video based on users' sounds. This purpose aims to give the user more materials to help them feel better mentally when they feel down in the future.

The scenario of charging the product at home and the supporting mobile phone application
White wave