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When the Cat Falls Down

A game designed to help people in the neighbourhood of people with mental health problems to better cope and support them.
Caring SocietyMental Health

When the Cat Falls Down is a game that aims to educate people about how to properly care for and respond to people with mental health problems. It was born out of our insights into the phenomena of "people with mental health problems not getting the feedback they want when they seek help from those around them early on in their daily lives, which can lead to more negative outcomes" and "people around them who have mental health problems but don't know how to respond and reassure them". " insights into these phenomena. We hope that through the form of a game with a cartoon kitten narrative, players can easily experience, understand and then learn how to respond to and treat those around them with mental health issues.

Phenomenon Observation

Desk Research

We conducted desktop research to understand the current state of negative emotions and their impact on people.

Desk Research 2
Desk Research 1
Desk Research 3
Paper Prototype Test
Paper Prototype TestWe obtained partial player feedback through paper prototype testing of the game and summarized the issues currently present in the game.
game part 1, prototype
game part 1
game part 2-home
game part 2-dreams
game part 3

Gameplay introduction

We express support according to 1 Express support; 2 Listen to the story; 3. Feedback on emotional feelings; ---- After relaxing 4 feedback cognition (reasons, needs, attitudes, plans). It is hoped that comforters will temporarily put aside their ego and go into the other person's heart when supporting someone with mental health issues.

Our game is divided into two main parts. First, the player finds the cat jumping into the sea and rescues it by clicking to destroy its bad thoughts. This step corresponds to expressing support and the need to consistently respond to the negative thoughts that people with mental health problems sometimes have.

Then, in the second part, we go to the cat's home. We can enter the cat's dreams, talk to the cat when it is in pain, and show support. The right kind of comfort will make the cat feel better, and vice versa. The atmosphere and amount of furniture in the cat's home will reflect the cat's mood.

In dreams, we choose different kinds of sad things that people encounter at different stages. Players can choose different responses. In this way, we hope to show the player the appropriate way to comfort and respond.

Gameplay introduction