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A Game about the Five Senses and Cultural Sharing.
Caring SocietySocial CareWellbeingInclusivity

Togather is a team project rethinking the concept of home through the Act of Gathering and the Art of Play.

All team members (Mariam Fawaz, Sarah Kaaki, Tala Khalaf and Teodora Serbanescu) have equally contributed to the creation of the game, using their different backgrounds in the process of understanding the multifaceted nature of gathering.

How was the game born?

Primary research has been undertaken as the very first step to understanding how people actively gather around the world. The first aim of the research was to find out what are some of the things and experiences people find comfortable bonding over with others. The overall statistics have shown that 'senses' such as food, music and smells, which remind the respondents of ‘home’ was the most common answer. Therefore, our team made its mission to start working on an inclusive game that is constructed around the 'five senses': taste, sight, smell, touch, and sound.

What is the aim of the game?

Togather aims to deconstruct the concept of 'right' or 'wrong' within the game culture and looks at ways in which people can make friends with the other players instead of competing with them. Homesickness is a common topic among youth communities, especially when living abroad. The lack of a stable place to call home, which a lot of young individuals might experience, inspired the structure of Togather, which has been designed as an interactive three-part game, intertwining the concept of Individuality (Create your home section) and Togetherness (Gather Section). By the end of the game, we hope that people have made some new friends and that they bonded over some great past experiences or future plans.

What are the components of the game?

The game comprises dice, a foldable game mat which results in a tote bag, a set of 50 cards (10 x 5 senses), 10 markers with sponges, and an e-booklet, which can be accessed by scanning the QR code embossed on the mat.

Dice Mock-Up
Game Mat Mock-Up
Tote Bag Mock-Up
Cards Mock-Up 1
Cards Mock-Up 2
Cards Mock-Up 3
Cards Mock-Up 4
Cards Mock-Up 5
Markers Mock-Up
Game eBooklet Mock-Up
Design Process of Symbols
Symbol eLegend Mock-Up
Game Instructions eBooklet

How is the game played?








Scan the QR code found on either the mat or any card in order to get to the game’s e-booklet for instructions, this way you will learn more about the game and the way it is played.



In this section, players will be able to start re-creating their «Home» using the ‹Sense› that they got when they initially rolled the dice. Once each player writes down 5 examples for their ‹Sense› (e.g. Taste: chocolate, orange, ginger, coconut, and sesame), they will have to scan the QR code on their card and follow the instructions on the e-booklet (e.g. Go to Page 2 - Section 3: Game Instructions). The same step should be repeated until all players have moved through all the sections of the mat in a clockwise direction.



Once the players have gone through all sections of the mat, they should have at least 2 cards representing different senses. Using the cards each player has in the end, they have to come up with a story about their «Home» inspired from their responses. What they have to do is find the player whose persona and preferences would match their story best. Now the players have the chance to bond over their stories of an ideal «Home», whether they are imaginary or true, close by or far away.