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Tittle Tattle

An exploration into the intricacies of digital communication and its impact on our perception of reality.
Justice Equality and MisinformationNarrativesDirect ActionCommunication

"Title Tattle", a gossip or casual conversation where nothing is ever confirmed as true, emerges as a thought-provoking exploration into the intricacies of digital communication and its impact on our perception of reality. Lacking emotional context, digital misunderstandings are born out of a lack of access to in-person sensorial cues such as body language, tone of voice and facial expressions; our interpretations are left astray. Thus, messages and images appear very convincing even in the presence of both fact and misinformation. This installation invites participants to navigate a dynamic interplay between the tangible and the virtual. 

As participants engage with projections, online images, tranquil sounds and textual snippets, they are confronted with the inherent challenges of interpreting online content. Where physical and digital meet through a misguided game of endless perceptions, the fluidity of meaning becomes apparent as individuals attempt to capture the nuances of context, intent, and authenticity in a landscape where transparency is often elusive.

Using anonymous entries from students at RCA, we create misinterpretation through text and images via the creation of our interactive online digital platform. Through this immersive experience, "Title Tattle" prompts reflection on the ways in which digital interactions shape our understanding of the world. Inspired by the confession boxes in the catholic church, the viewer is placed in the role of the anonymous contributor on the live online platform. By highlighting the power dynamics inherent in online communication, the installation underscores the importance of critical thinking and media literacy in navigating the complexities of the digital age.

Ultimately, "Title Tattle" serves as a poignant reminder of the dual nature of our online existence. In confronting the dangers of anonymity and the ethical implications of online engagement, participants are invited to consider the profound impact of their digital footprint on both individual and collective realities. Blurring the boundaries between what is seen and unseen, what is understood and misunderstood. 

-Control 9

installation with person participating
installation with a person participating
installation with a person participating