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The School of the Future

An A.I. generated educational scenario from the future. Using satire to explore inequalities in our education systems and social structures.
Justice Equality and MisinformationNarrativesInclusivityEducation

"All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others," (Animal Farm, 1945, by George Orwell).


The School of the Future (2024) by the Social Imbalance team is a short film which uses satire to explore how future educational institutions might be structured. Through the lens of a promotional video for a hypothetical school, we invite you to reflect.

This dystopian comedy is inspired by George Orwell’s classic satirical allegory of the Russian Revolution, Animal Farm (1945) - as well as the film adaptation of the novella, Animal Farm, released as an animation in 1954. The aesthetic qualities and methodology used to achieve a film script and moving images created entirely through Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) software, take inspiration from Capitol of Conformity (2023) by Aze Alter. Alter's short film is fully developed using A.I. and within the realm of satire, dark humour, and speculation regarding our future. 


The Social Imbalance team presents the two research questions developed when framing this four-month research:

  1. How can we imagine or reconstruct a society dominated by the underclasses to make people more aware of the imbalance within the existing social class systems?
  2. How would the traditional education systems change under this imagined social structure?


Our team invites audiences living in London and beyond to reflect on and question our society's imbalanced structure. Through irony and satire, The School of the Future (2024) provokes a reflection on the existing inequalities within traditional Western educational systems. In this speculative realm, schools might appear to erase the differences prevalent amongst social classes. However, in reality, the educational inequalities have only become exacerbated. Our concept is revealed through the film's props and scene designs, which expose the false appearance of unity and inclusivity - beneath deep-seeded social divisions. This project seeks to challenge the audience's perceptions of educational inequalities through exaggerated double standards and contradictions within the future school being promoted. This emphasises the demand for genuine, equitable, and inclusive education reforms.

The short film concludes with an uprising and mobilisation led by students and members from the underclasses of society. It will only be through social justice that the rampant inequalities within our current educational frameworks can be remediated. We hope this project will inspire a broader societal dialogue and explore pathways to achieving genuine educational equality.


This project was developed with the assistance of the following A.I. softwares:

  • ChatGPT (script and narrative),
  • Midjourney (still images for the moodboard),
  • Runway (moving images used in the film),
  • PlayHT (film audio/narrator's voice).

Kelly Chen
Visual Communication (MA)
Phil Pezo
Zijie He
Social Imbalance preliminary mindmap.
MindmapSocial Imbalance preliminary mindmap.
Team reference list from the Social Imbalance shared Miro Board.
References 1Team reference list from the Social Imbalance shared Miro Board.
Team reference list from the Social Imbalance shared Miro Board, continued.
References 2Team reference list from the Social Imbalance shared Miro Board, continued.
Preliminary project keywords and initial project ideas.
Keywords & BrainstormPreliminary project keywords and initial project ideas.
Preliminary aesthetic research using Midjourney A.I. software, presented during our project proposal formative assessment.
Preliminary MoodboardPreliminary aesthetic research using Midjourney A.I. software, presented during our project proposal formative assessment.
One of two film references presented, entitled Capitol of Conformity (2023) by Aze Alter.
Capitol of Conformity (2023) by Aze AlterOne of two film references presented, entitled Capitol of Conformity (2023) by Aze Alter. This short film is made entirely using A.I. software and within the realm of satire, dark humour, and speculation regarding the future.
Further aesthetic research using Midjourney A.I. software.
Scene DevelopmentFurther aesthetic research using Midjourney A.I. software.
The three initial prompts given to the ChatGPT software.
Script Prompts Given to ChatGPTThe three initial prompts were given to the ChatGPT software. Our final script was a collage of relevant elements taken from all three scripts, that were then rearranged and edited.
Process of developing the A.I. audio renders for the film, using PlayHT AI software.
Generating A.I. Audio FIlesProcess of developing the A.I. audio renders for the film, using PlayHT AI software.
A.I. renderings made on Runway software (initial tests).
Initial Test: Generating Moving A.I. ImagesA.I. renderings made on Runway software (initial tests).
Final A.I. renderings made on Runway software, including prompts.
Final A.I. Renderings Made on Runway SoftwareFinal A.I. renderings made on Runway software, including prompts.
Outlining the editing for the film, once all scenes and audio were completed.
Draft StoryboardOutlining the editing for the film, once all scenes and audio were completed.
 Process of editing the final film.
Film Editing Process of editing the final film.