Our collaborative project, „The Pencil Broke: Explorations through Art and Experimentation,“ delves into the complex human experience of daily anxieties and its impact on contemporary society. Rooted within the broader theme of a Caring Society, our endeavor delves into the practical and philosophical aspects of health and well-being, aiming to contribute to the cultivation of a more compassionate society through interdisciplinary projects.
As a team comprising individuals from diverse majors, including fashion, textile, interior design, and photography, we focused our exploration on mental health, particularly on anxiety. Drawing from our own personal experiences, we embarked on a journey of understanding and communicating the intricacies of this pervasive emotion. While we recognise that our project cannot offer a solution to anxiety, we aim to shed light on its multifaceted nature, exploring both its negative and positive dimensions.
Throughout our creative process, we employ various strategies and mediums to express and navigate our emotions. Materiality plays a crucial role, with the tactile nature of materials guiding our exploration. In particular, our interaction with thread proved significant, reflecting the cultural symbolism associated with this medium. Additionally, we delve into the psychological and cultural significance of the color red, as well as the expressive potential of hands in crafting and art therapy.
Our envisioned outcome takes the form of a comprehensive publication showcasing our research findings and experimental endeavors. Serving as both an artistic documentation of our journey and a resource for individuals grappling with daily anxieties, this collection presents a toolkit of creative approaches for coping with anxious feelings. Importantly, the interpretation of our art remains subjective, inviting viewers to engage with and find resonance in our experiences. Through our project, we aim to foster empathy, understanding, and support within our community.