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The Nourish Line

A Blueprint for Enhancing Access to Nutritious Food in Local Communities and Extending Outreach Programs to Address Social Isolation.
Caring SocietyFood
A Guide to Improve Local Access to Healthy Food & Expand Outreach to Combat Social Isolation
The nourish line-scheme introduction
Loneliness & Food & Eating
The issue and the connection in between
People eating alone
Pie chart of people who eat alone
Target user—Isolated Groups in the Community
Service system
Touchpoint design—Food bus
Tochpoint design—Layout of the food bus
Touchpoint design—Section plan of the food bus
Touchpoint design—Interior of the food bus
Touchpoint design—Locations of the food bus
Flexible outdoor funiture
Touchpoint design—Outdoor funitureWe will also create an easy-to-follow pamphlet, much like IKEA furniture, where the staff can easily assemble and disassemble the outdoor furniture that will be stored on the bus. It will further enhance a sense of belonging within the community, as it encourages others to get together within the community.
Touchpoint design—Cookbook
How it gets to you & Connects you
How cook book function in the whole project
Touchpoint design—Application
ApplicationWe created an application for our project where users can check the location of the Nourish Line food bus, as well as the recipes from the local communities. Moreover, it acts as a space for the locals to interact with one another, especially those who are feeling lonely or isolated.
Touchpoint design—Posters
Getting feedbacks from social network
Getting feedbacks
Nourish Hub
A Real Visit of Our Case Study