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The Looking Forward Calendar

A 365 calendar that provides daily prompts, quotes, and activities related to healthy ageing and longevity.
Caring SocietyWellbeing

By 2050, a third of the UK population will be 60 years or over. Yet, a 65-year-old today will live less than half their remaining years in good health.¹

We believe that if young people can start to develop healthy habits from an early age, they are more likely to live longer, healthier lives into old age.

The Looking Forward Calendar is a prototype design for a 365 calendar that provides daily prompts for habits linked to healthy ageing.

From living with purpose and fostering relationships to mindful eating and regular exercise – we want to encourage young people to make these practices a part of their everyday lives now so that we can look forward to a healthy future as a generation of older adults.

¹ UKRI Healthy Ageing Challenge Impact Report 2022

The front page of The Looking Forward Calendar, made of natural textured paper.
A page-a-day calendar shows the 5th of April
Four pages are laid out on a table, showing different textures and materials
A dozen pages are laid out on a table, each calendar day showing a different typographic approach