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The Glimpse of Paracosm

An archived image series that aims to raise awareness about the unpredictability of human evolution from technological development.
Being DigitalArtificial IntelligenceFictionsTechnologies

Our collaborative project, The Glimpse of Paracosm, is an archived image series that aims to raise awareness about the unpredictability of human evolution resulting from technological development.

A paracosm is an intricate imaginary world typically created by children that is characterised by lush landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and a profound connection with elements like forests, rivers, mountains, and wildlife. This natural focus in a paracosm can mirror the creator's appreciation, understanding, or curiosity about the environment, often resulting in a fantasy realm where nature holds a prominent and magical influence over the world and its inhabitants. For us, a paracosm would be the perfect backdrop for us to portray an immature and imaginary future filled with unfolding uncertainties of humankind.

Throughout history, technological advancements have frequently sparked global concerns among the general public, for instance, augmented reality and brain-computer interfaces. These advancements often inspire creators in various fields to portray their paracosms and invite their audience or readers to catch a glimpse of them, through mediums like science fiction novels, films, sculptures, sounds, games, and art projects. Some of those "glimpses" became reality while others did not, but they all served to anticipate a potential form of the future and make their audience aware of it. Drawing inspiration from these glimpses, we tell a story by revealing the imagery as archaeological discoveries from the future, with the aesthetics of the oriental landscapes.

A glimpse of an environment can only provide a partial and ambiguous view of it, but it can prompt exploration and lead to a deeper understanding of its complexities and uncertainties. We aim to challenge our audience's perceptions and immerse them in the paracosm we are exploring.

Seonbin Yun
Glimpse #1
Glimpse #2
Glimpse #3
Glimpse #4
Glimpse #6
Glimpse #7
Glimpse #8
Glimpse #10
Glimpse #11
Glimpse #12
Glimpse #14
Glimpse #15