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Sparky is not just an AI robot; Sparky is a companion on the journey of childhood development, helping young minds thrive!
Being DigitalArtificial IntelligenceWellbeingPlay

Belonging to the ‘being digital’ group, we proposed the idea of SPARKY.

SPARKY is a robotic, AI companion, that is designed to serve as a mentor type of figure. At its core, SPARKY is designed to foster the idea of play, investigation, and creation in the realm of creative expression. Whether it’s crafting new concepts, practicing art techniques, or simply engaging in imaginative play, SPARKY is there every step of the way, guiding children toward their full creative potential.

It’s not just a tool; it’s a companion on the journey of childhood development, helping young minds thrive in a world full of endless possibilities.

SPARKY VideoSPARKY Summary and Marketing Video A video that explores more in-depth the scenarios that Sparky could be used in.