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Sounds in Translation

Our project delves into translating music into motion visuals, emphasizing emotions for people with hearing loss to sense music.
Being Digital

Our project is all about translating the vibrant experience of seeing colors while listening to music. It's sparked by the fascinating concept of synesthesia – where senses intertwine. We're a group of music enthusiasts and visual artists driven by the idea of exploring this intriguing connection.

Focused on enhancing the musical journey for the Hearing Impaired Community, we're diving into understanding varying levels of hearing loss and finding innovative ways to engage with this community. Our brainstorming led us to envision a digital sound bank – a platform that transforms sounds into vibrations and colors, making music creation accessible to all.

Through this project, we aim to bridge the gap between auditory experiences and visual expressions, revolutionizing musical enjoyment for individuals with hearing loss. Join us on this journey of collaboration, innovation, and inclusivity as we empower the community to experience music in new and meaningful ways.

A Motion Visual of A Natural Sound Clip
How we Processed the Sounds
Transforming the Sound into Motion Visuals via TouchDesigner
Landing Page of the Digital Sound Bank
Collections of Sounds
Interacting and Collecting the Digital Representatives of the Sounds