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Show-E-Motions merges technology and fashion to create a dynamic exploration of human emotion.

The Show-E-Motions is a groundbreaking project that merges technology and fashion to create a dynamic exploration of human emotion. This innovative garment design delves into the depths of human emotions, incorporating sensor technology capable of detecting physiological signals and translating internal states into external expressions. Specifically, the garment transforms heart rate data into dynamic changes in form and visually projects these fluctuations onto the fabric, creating captivating patterns.

Our journey began with the exploration of anti-anxiety wearable technology, aiming to address stress and anxiety either directly through symptom alleviation or indirectly by signalling issues to the wearer or individuals for intervention. Alongside this, we contemplated the potential of high-confidence fashion, envisioning designs that amplify emotions rather than suppressing them.

From these initial ideas, we came together as a team and decided on a project centred around revealing and enhancing inner emotions. Our collaborative approach led to the creation of a projection-mapped garment drawing inspiration from various sources including mandalas, kaleidoscopes, and creatures with dynamic expressions.

We drew inspiration from mandalas, known for their anxiety-reducing properties and their reflection of the self. Additionally, we were influenced by the symmetrical patterns found in kaleidoscopes, representing interconnectedness and human expression through geometry. This aligned with our earlier research on mandalas, highlighting another geometrically-based form. Moreover, we looked to nature for cues on how physical traits convey internal states. For example, pufferfish expand their bodies in response to threats, while Trinidadian guppies darken their eyes with melanin to signal aggression to other fish.

In our garment design, we integrated these diverse influences by utilizing variable colours, patterns, textures, and movements. This allowed us to create a dynamic visual representation of the wearer’s inner emotional landscape, echoing the intricate interplay between self-expression and natural cues observed in the world around us.

Show-E-Motions:Wear Your Heart on Your Sleeve with Stunning Visuals!
Moving Images Display
Moving Images Display
Garment Display
Garment Display