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Rewriting History: Unravelling Agnes Carr's Tale

Rediscovering Agnes Carr's forgotten story through an immersive parafictional online exhibition, challenging historical norms with AI.
Justice Equality and MisinformationNarrativesSpacesCommunication

Our group embarked on a captivating endeavour to resurrect the lost narrative of Agnes Carr, a beggar woman ensnared in the tumult of 16th-century Wensleydale's witchcraft accusations. Shrouded in obscurity, Agnes's legacy endured a posthumous ordeal, relegated to ghostly folklore that obscured the truth of her existence. In a pioneering fusion of history and innovation, we curated an online exhibition employing the Unreal Engine, meticulously crafting each exhibit to challenge misconceptions surrounding Agnes's life.

Harnessing the power of AI software and rigorous research, our project delved into the depths of her story, offering an immersive experience that redefines historical discourse. Blurring the lines between fact and fiction, our exhibition embraces parafiction, inviting audiences to engage with Agnes's world beyond the confines of conventional narratives. Through our collective efforts, we endeavour to honour Agnes Carr's memory and restore her rightful place in history's tapestry.

Ragini Nair
Alex Gilmour
Jake Buckley
Lily Hargreaves
Victoria Loyola
Yuchen Cai
Agnes Carr Exhibition Walk Through