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Rest As A Right, Not As A Reward

Rest is a human right, not a luxury. In a work-centric world, prioritise well-being over productivity.
Caring SocietyPhysical HealthMental Health

Our aim is to redefine rest: viewing it as a human right rather than a luxury. We wish to spark a conversation around self-care and relaxation practices to empower individuals. To this end, we have created an informative and engaging pamphlet that educates people about the seven types of rest, hoping to inspire greater prioritization of their well-being.

We recognize the vital need to change perceptions in order to view rest as essential for physical, mental, emotional, sensorial, social, creative, and spiritual rejuvenation in a world that frequently praises work and productivity. The project outcomes provide information about the misconceptions of rest, research on the seven types of rest, which are mentioned above, and interactive spaces for users to engage with. It includes a pledge that people can sign as a symbolic act to remind themselves to take opportunities for rest. The back side features an illustration collaboratively designed with reminders and suggestions of the seven types of rest for inspiration and encouragement. Our outcome is a poster that can be folded into a flat leaflet or stood up as a sculpture, creating an interactive play with the pamphlet for the user.

In the final stages of our project, we designed a community platform accessible via the pamphlet's QR code. We aimed to establish a forum where individuals could discuss and exchange their restful practices. We believe this platform could serve as an opportunity to share resources and foster a societal shift regarding the concept of rest; offering insights into the importance of self-care routines and the transformative potential of allowing oneself to relax without feeling guilty.

Our ultimate objective is to cultivate a society that recognises rest as an essential human right rather than just a reward for being productive. We foresee a time when people are empowered to prioritise their health and accept rest as a necessary part of a healthy lifestyle. 

Pamphlets in a stack placed on a table
Image showing user interaction with the pamphlet
Poster placed on the wall