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Quantum Vibrations

To explore the "invisible" vibrations through the lens of our artefact—visually, sensorially, and acoustically.
Being DigitalIdentityCommunicationSpaces

At all times, we are surrounded by an ethereal spectrum of vibrations and frequencies, subtly absorbing and interpreting transmissions from across the cosmos with our bodies. Our endeavour aims to delve into, comprehend, and articulate this interplay of cosmic, digital, and corporeal frequencies. These frequencies are vibrations that invisibly link us to the digital realm, to each other, and to the universe itself. Just as binaries underpin the digital realm, our DNA is also structured by binaries, serving as a code that defines our existence and identity.



Every living being is interconnected through shared vibrations. Humans, alongside the digital tools we forge, are no exception. Despite the barriers we impose, we inevitably find ourselves woven into the fabric of our environment.

Questions we've pondered include:

  • In which way do we perceive our surroundings?
  • Are there boundaries or are we all interconnected with each other and everything around us?
  • What goes through our body and how we perceive the information from the outside world?
  • Is our physical form merely a vessel for the amalgam of senses and vibrations?

Our exploration of these inquiries has led us to reflect them in our project's artifact rather than providing definitive answers.

FINAL OUTPUT - Physical Installation

Metal body frame. 

Our crafted metal-framed cube serves as a tangible representation of the human body, echoing our familiar physical structure. Within its confines, it not only contains the myriad vibrations emanating from within us but also mirrors and assimilates vibrations from the universe, including light, temperature fluctuations, and subtle impulses.

However, this portrayal of the "body" transcends mere static representation; it functions as a dynamic prototype, visually articulating the vibrations we emit. These vibrations dynamically interact with other vibrational frequencies permeating space, encompassing the Earth's geophonic vibrations, the biophonic resonance of living organisms, and the anthrophonic echoes of human activities.

Wired strings.

The metal-framed cube contains wired strings that symbolize the intricate network of interconnected and disjointed waves coursing through both the body and the surrounding environment. These strings visually represent the entanglement of senses and emotions that envelop us, often imperceptible to the naked eye and occasionally even beyond conscious awareness. At times, these vibrations manifest as deja vu experiences or stirrings of emotion, influencing overall well-being, or eluding detection altogether.

The transparent nature of the strings serves a purpose: to illustrate their subtle presence, often overlooked in our daily lives. While these vibrations may go unnoticed, their reflections are observable, particularly when illuminated by light or influenced by external factors, subtly shaping our experiences and perceptions.


FINAL OUTPUT - Sensorial Installation


To fully engage with our research piece, we offer a playful object for physical interaction. Every movement and touch generates a unique wavelength throughout the artifact, which can be physically experienced through tactile sensations, visual observations, reflections, and sound. Each day, we encounter countless vibrations and waves that animate our existence, heightening our awareness, facilitating learning, and evoking emotions. With this artifact, users can actively participate in the installation, becoming integral components of the experience and forging connections with the piece itself.


Every action, creation, and experience generates a wavelength that reverberates throughout our bodies and the universe. These wavelengths also manifest as sound waves that propagate across surfaces—our atmosphere acts as a medium, allowing sound and waves to travel. To delve deeper into this phenomenon, we've affixed microphones to certain edges of the frame. This setup enables us to capture the sounds of touch and interaction with the piece, facilitating exploration of how vibration wavelengths traverse every aspect of the object, extend into space, and resonate within us.


With Touch Designer, we project visual representations of sound waves onto the physical artifact. In this setup, colors themselves embody the essence of vibration. Our perception of colors is intricately tied to the physical properties of light reflecting off surfaces. Simultaneously, these colors stimulate impulses in our brains, generating additional brain waves and vibrations throughout our bodies. This intricate process influences not only our psychology but also our physical well-being and our perception of the world around us.



The impact of our project lies in providing an opportunity to explore the "invisible" vibrations through the lens of our artifact—visually, sensorially, and acoustically. Similar to the vastness of the universe where definitive answers are scarce, we approach information perception by attributing meaning and evoking feelings. We ponder questions such as: Does it evoke familiarity? Does it radiate positive vibes? How does this vibration affect us? Do we see ourselves reflected in its form? What resonates with us the strongest?

Rather than offering concrete answers or solutions, our project presents a reflection of the questions that have guided our exploration from the outset and throughout the process. It invites individuals to engage with these inquiries, fostering introspection and prompting deeper contemplation of the subtle forces that shape our experiences.