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Plantae Animalia Kingdom

Speculative zine envisioning future Animal Plantae evolutions.
Climate CrisisAwarenessFictionsThe Body

Our project explores a future where humans develop a symbiotic relationship with plants to harness solar energy alongside our caloric intake. We pondered the implications of such a world—what benefits could this bring? How might the plants be affected, either positively or negatively? What drawbacks might arise from adopting more plant-like characteristics?

Embracing plant traits could lead to a reduction in food production as our reliance on traditional food sources diminishes. We might even be able to absorb CO2 and better withstand increasing global temperatures. However, these changes could restrict our mobility as we become more anchored to our natural environments. Additionally, there might be a loss of cultural and communal practices associated with meal-sharing, and there's a possibility of developing harmful or parasitic relationships. In this artist’s book, we share our research and explore potential scenarios of this adaptation, highlighting both the positive and negative outcomes.

Issy Wilson

Plantae Animalia Kingdom

The downloadable pdf found here is the project.