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Pixel Harvest: Matsutake Quest

Pixel Harvest: Matsutake Quest, an interactive game.
Being DigitalArtificial IntelligenceFictionsPlay

"Pixel Harvest: Matsutake Quest" is an interactive game addressing the challenges of society's increasing detachment from the physical world. Rooted in digital animism, this project explores community dynamics, spirituality, and the impact of technology in our digitized society. The game draws inspiration from animistic principles, acknowledging the diminishing physical connection with the environment while honouring it within the digital realm.

In a world engulfed by a digital whirlwind, where the connection to the outdoors is nearly lost, the game challenges users to rediscover nature through an accessible online platform. The immersive journey encourages virtual exploration and harvesting within the confines of a digital landscape.

Utilizing 3D scanning and digital models, the game meticulously reconstructs the world of Pixel Harvest, focusing on harvesting Matsutake mushrooms. Users navigate a planned path, engaging with digital characters shaped as trees and plants, earning rewards tied to their virtual harvest.

At its core, the inclusion of the "matsutake" mushroom symbolizes the delicate balance between the digital and the natural, becoming a metaphorical journey urging users to contemplate symbiotic relationships in both realms.

The intentional choice of matsutake mushrooms reflects their ability to thrive in human-disturbed forests, exploring the ruin that has become our collective home. While associated with environmental challenges, they are valued in Japan as gourmet treats, revealing possibilities of coexistence within environmental disturbance.

Beneath the playful surface lies a critical examination of our evolving relationship with nature amidst advancing technology. The game prompts users to question the authenticity of their connection with the natural world, delving into the blurred line between genuine engagement and simulated experiences.

As the game progresses, a darker undertone emerges, revealing the artificial nature of the world. The further users explore, the more apparent it becomes that they are being watched. The game's sound elements are initially peaceful, but gradually darken, mirroring the deeper exploration. The plants in the game use sound to communicate with users, with the tone growing darker as the exploration deepens, which adds an immersive layer to the reflective journey within the game.

Unbeknownst to the user, the entire game world unfolds within a digital "box". Although filled with trees and plants scanned from the real world, creating a convincingly natural environment, it's confined within a controlled space. This design choice adds a layer of manipulation, emphasising that the user's experience is not one of "free harvest exploration." Some areas are intentionally restricted, reinforcing the idea that the world is meticulously controlled by the creators, subtly shaping the user's journey within Pixel Harvest: Matsutake Quest.