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Peace Nap Oasis

Peace Nap Oasis is a wellness project dedicated to creating peaceful spaces for recovering sleep and relaxation.
Being DigitalPhysical HealthWellbeingSpaces

PeaceNap Oasis is a wellness project dedicated to creating peaceful spaces for recovering sleep and relaxation. Our oasis offers carefully designed environments that blend tranquillity and comfort to promote deep, restful sleep. Through the thoughtful integration of calming aesthetics and peaceful atmospheres, PeaceNap Oasis aims to provide shelter for individuals seeking respite from the demands of daily life.

PeaceNap Oasis is a project dedicated to improving sleep quality. You can follow the instructions and use VR goggles to experience our project via our website. We recommend entering the Oasis before bedtime, as it will guide you into a delightful dreamscape.

Han Feng
Yuting Cai
Binchu Liao
Close up of the fountain scene
Fountain Scene Vision
Home Page
Website Introduction
Website Introduction